About Me

If you want to know more about me, these are the things that you should ask about.

First off, I am a devoted daughter of Christ.  I believe that "devoted daughter" is one of His names for my life.  When He looks at me, that is what he sees

Secondly, I am the blessed wife of a wonderful man.  Randy works hard to put food on our table and keep us under a solid roof with a working vehicle.  He is supportive of me in all my craziness.  He works so that I am able to stay home and raise our two wonderful little men.

I am the proud mother of two beautiful boys.  "Monkey" is 2 1/2.  He is active and loud, independent and needy, smart and stubborn.  He is all of the things that a 2 year old is supposed to be.  He keeps us laughing and learning with him.  Monkey is our blessing. 

"Crackers" just turned 1.  It's hard to believe how the year has flown by.  He is learning to pester his brother and trying to talk with us more.  He loves to make people laugh, and he loves to shake his head "no".  Crackers is a lover, he wants to be with mama and daddy all the time.  He is our miracle man.

God has called me to be a children's minister.  I love working with children and families in His church.  I also enjoy writing curriculum.  Right now I am working on beginning Bible curriculum that I use at home with my boys.  I am posting a basic outline of my curriculum on my blog and am open to questions about the activities.  I would be happy to share these things with you.

Finally, I am a blogger.  I love to write (I do this for my own therapy as much as anything).  I love your comments.  I am working on living a healthier life with my familyI also love having the opportunity to review products to help others stay informed and point toward good, quality purchases.  Thank you for reading my blog.